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Luxury Senior Living Homes: Designed by You, for You

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Luxury Senior Living Homes: Designed by You, for You

Welcome to The Glenview Luxury Senior Living Homes of Louise Orkin and Nancy Rogge

We cannot say this enough: At The Glenview at Pelican Bay, you do not have to give up your style or financial freedom to have the luxury senior living home or penthouse you’ve always dreamed about.

That’s the beauty of equity ownership. You can update and style your home to make it truly your own—because it is! Here, we’d like to show you what we mean by featuring two residences at The Glenview personally designed by their owners to suit the function, taste, aesthetics, and lifestyle they want.

The home of Louise Orkin: Defined by the elements of design

A resident of The Glenview since February 2019, Louise Orkin describes home as a place of individualized comfort. “By that I mean my home must be ‘beautiful’ by my individual standards, not by what other people think,” Louise says. See how Louise has artfully used the elements of design in her Glenview home.

As Louise puts it, “Your surroundings are yours—reflecting your personality and your treasures.” Louise likes color—lots of it. “Strong color is important to me, and my home reflects a very bright palette of deep golden yellows, burnt oranges, and reds. In addition, I’ve added oriental rugs on top of the new floors I had installed in order to complement the walls and add even more color. Color brings joy to my heart—I love coming home.”

In making her Glenview residence uniquely her own, Louise tastefully used other design elements—like light and space—to accent her interiors. “I loved how bright the apartment was when I chose a residence to purchase,” she says. “Since it is on the second floor, I have tropical landscaping in the views outside my windows. During the renovation, I even had a wall removed and made it into a one-bedroom apartment with a huge living area. For some of my new furniture pieces, I chose clear glass with metal frames to enhance the light fusion throughout. And finally, I added pocket doors that slide out of sight and renovated the kitchen and bathrooms for the spacious look and feel I wanted.”

curating the right environment

Louise had her cushions and couch reupholstered, not only to freshen them up but also to position these pieces as the perfect backdrop of texture and pattern for the paintings and sculptures she’s created and collected over the years. She remembers her cultured upbringing as her mother took her to museums, plays, and parks to see the visual side of the world. It stuck with Mrs. Orkin and influenced her to become an artist.

“In terms of theme, I have an eclectic mix in my home—basically traditional with contemporary and Asian touches,” she shares. “I know my design is not for everyone, but my partner, Charlie Theisen, and I enjoy living here.” There’s a nice flow of color and theme throughout Louise’s apartment—even though each room is so different. She and Charlie entertain a lot more than they thought they would.

Now, settled in and totally enjoying her new home, Louise reminisces about her first days at The Glenview. “I’m a long-time resident of Pelican Bay and liked the fact that The Glenview was here, too,” she says. “I appreciated the community’s welcoming, traditional décor—inside and outside. It has a personality, unlike other communities that are so modern, cold, commercial, and ‘cookie-cutter.’ I did have to do some rightsizing, but it touched my heart to donate to Avow, [which] provides support for hospice care patients. And, I’m still so comforted by having dining, housekeeping, and maintenance at The Glenview just a phone call away.”

Related – A Moving Story: Glenview Residence Spotlight

Nancy Rogge’s Home: A Travelogue of Past Adventures

Sculptor. Collector. Traveler. Design consultant. Naples resident. Since 2019, Nancy Rogge has added Glenview homeowner to the list. Her residence reads like A Story of Her Many Travels.

“Home to me means surroundings that are comfortable, familiar, and accommodating to the memories that are a part of my life experiences,” Nancy says. “I do not have a collection of any one specific item, but rather books I’ve read, art, and sculptures from places my husband and I traveled and cherished gifts from friends and my daughters. I have a very eclectic design in my apartment—from Asian/Chinese to modern, original, and authentic artwork and sculptures, collections from around the world over a span of more than 55 years. I enjoy looking at these pieces immensely, so they’ve all been incorporated into my home at The Glenview.”

Nancy admits that she really likes all design. “As a past design consultant, I’ve seen most design work well. It all depends on personal taste. I say, ‘Go with what you like, what interests you, and what makes you happy when sitting in a room.’” Nancy was a consultant for clothing design as well as for commercial design. She is often seen wearing upbeat, sophisticated, and somewhat artsy-fashion, accessorized with very modern Asian-influenced jewelry—but “always in comfortable shoes” she will tell you!

finding just The right place

“When I moved to The Glenview, I stuck with the furnishings I had and liked from past homes,” Nancy says. “I do like furniture, and I still have pieces in storage in Naples. I first picked out a beautiful wall color then went about arranging everything, including my favorite piece—a door from Tibbett. I relied on The Glenview staff to place items on my walls, fix and repair items, as needed, and take the burden of home maintenance into their skilled hands. The wonderful thing about recreating a new home from possessions I already had was that I was comfortable in my new apartment on day one!

“My den is my favorite spot. It’s where I can really relax and reminisce on all that I’ve done. As a person with family and friends, in my den, I’m surrounded by pictures of loved ones, artwork from past travels, and decorative items that provide me with a sense of contentment and happiness.”

Nancy admits she moved to The Glenview because of its central location and proximity to the water and beaches of the Gulf. “I’ve always had a view of the water in Naples,” she says. “Most importantly, I wanted to be assured I’d be cared for as I aged. My daughters do not live in Florida. So, I wanted a community of friends and neighbors who considered me family and they could be family to me, too—a vital support group as I age-in-place.”

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