Socialization. Companionship. Friendship. Community. No matter how you characterize it, the simple truth remains: People need people—especially as we grow older. In fact, many experts agree that social interaction and companionship in our senior years rank right up there with exercise and eating right. So, it’s no wonder we, as your senior living resource, emphasize the subject regularly.
At The Glenview at Pelican Bay, we believe what the experts say and are in a great position to offer all seniors outstanding opportunities for socialization throughout the calendar year. Let us show you what we mean with the following ideas and resources touting the importance of interacting with others as you grow older.
These Are My People!
Finding a social network that is compatible with your likes, dislikes, beliefs, and goals can be a challenge. It takes focus. Senior living communities like The Glenview in Naples, Florida, realize this. A sensitive and professional activities staff here aims to structure interesting and rewarding community activities and events that set the stage for the formation of new relationships between residents, neighbors, and new acquaintances who enjoy the same things—or want to learn or experience new things.
Our new residents tell us that it took no time at all before their social network expanded and their world opened up to increased opportunities to get out and about with others—sharing, learning, experiencing new things, and just plain enjoying life—together.
The beautiful resort setting at The Glenview is designed to bring people together. The well-attended events at the community and in surrounding Pelican Bay include a variety of recreational and social activities such as cocktail parties, seasonal celebrations, musical entertainment, educational seminars, card games, book clubs, faith services, fitness classes, excursions around beautiful Naples, and more. An entire menu of professionally planned activities and wonderful amenities at Club Pelican Bay and Community Center is also available to all residents of The Glenview.
Meeting a compatible social group in settings such as those you’ll find at The Glenview and Pelican Bay is the first step. Next comes nurturing your social lifestyle on the way to increased happiness, improved mental health, and mood, and even sharper memory and cognitive skills. It’s true—the experts will tell you it’s so!
As you get to know more people and your network of friends and acquaintances grows, there may be a few people you want to know better—to spend more time with. Sometimes hosting friends in your home best facilitates this time you spend with new friends. Remember, at The Glenview, our staff is always available to help with any in-home entertaining. Just remember to pay proper attention to your new social network as it develops—it does require give-and-take. Soon you will be able to claim— they’re my people.
More from the experts . . .
. . . who say that socialization promotes health and well-being. Here are the benefits:
- Socialization promotes a sense of belonging.
- Regular gatherings with friends can help boost self-esteem and make us happier.
- Friends can help offset stress in your life, cope with grief, and encourage healthy behaviors.
- Good conversations with friends can protect brain health.
- Strong relationships may help us live longer.
Now find your fun.
Nurturing your new social network involves staying in the loop regarding the interesting and fun opportunities happening around you. Once you know what’s out there, take the next step and organize yourself to take full advantage of these opportunities with others. You are the master here—no need for a social secretary. But you may want to get a calendar—maybe even set one up on your computer. This is another reason community living like that you’ll find at The Glenview is so great—there’s always a staff member around to help and support you with personal projects like this!
And be sure you have contact information (telephone numbers and email addresses) for those you have met recently and think you may want to spend more time with. Get in touch with them as you hear of interesting social opportunities. A great resource here for ideas is one of The Glenview’s recent features—Building New Friendships as an Older Adult. This online article includes a great summary of events and activities to look for within your surrounding community.
The more your opportunities for socialization expand, you’ll want to pick up newsletters, event information, and schedules from the places you’ve enjoyed the most. This is also where a community setting like The Glenview is a great advantage for senior residents, their neighbors, and friends. The Activities Department is Event Central for unique activities for seniors, in fact, everything that’s happening in the area.
The Glenview is a great place for socialization. For interacting with others. For developing new relationships. To learn more about our activities, visit our website.